Non-woven tape is a tape designed for masking and repairs. It is used to strengthen the gypsum plaster and protect it from cracking at the joints of gypsum boards. The non-woven tape can also be used to mask cracks and defects in plaster.
Non-woven tape is a tape designed for masking and repairs. It is used to strengthen the gypsum plaster and protect it from cracking at the joints of gypsum boards. The non-woven tape can also be used to mask cracks and defects in plaster.
A smooth, white VLIES glass fiber wallpaper designed to be painted in any color with any type of paint. A natural, non-toxic glass non-woven fabric that is an excellent reinforcement of the surface of walls and ceilings. It is a flame-retardant material that ensures breathing of walls and ceilings. It is resistant to moisture and steam.
Used as a reinforcement of plaster surfaces on walls and ceilings. Effectively masks all kinds of cracks. Recommended for plasterboard ceilings and walls as
protection against cracking and the appearance of scratches on the surfaces. The product is characterized by significant resistance to damage and prevents cracking of the walls.
Technical data
The product is available in two standard weights:
40gsm ± 5g
50gsm ± 5g
and in three standard sizes:
1m x 12.5m
1m x 25m
1m x 50m
Assembly instructions
The substrate must be cleaned and dried. Make sure the surface is smooth. Otherwise, it should be leveled by carefully filling in the gaps with a gypsum putty. Apply the adhesive evenly to the previously prepared substrate using a paint roller. Glue the glass fiber wallpaper on the damp glue and then press it with an upholstery roller so as to eliminate air bubbles. After 24 hours, the wallpaper can be painted with emulsion, acrylic or latex paints.
The installation of fiberglass wallpaper can also be done with a gypsum putty. To do this, apply gypsum putty to the wall. Put the non-woven fabric on the wall, move it with a trowel and press it down, causing it to be embedded in the mass. Then level the surface by thoroughly rubbing with a gypsum putty.
The valuation is made individually for each order.
FiberWall Cover provides smooth surfaces for wallpapering and painting. The renovation
wallpaper is a quick and easy alternative to wide plastering.
Glue to the wall and install the product directly from the roll. The wall renovated with
renovation FiberWallCover can then be covered with wall paint, decorative plaster, spatula
cream or decorative wallpaper at your discretion.
In addition, the renovation FiberWallCover is ideal for renovating wall cracked substrates. This
renovation wallpaper has a quality of 140 g/m2.
It is also characterized by the following properties: as an excellent background for
wallpapering and painting, ideal for smoothing walls and ceilings, as a binder on very smooth,
non-absorbent surfaces, bridges scratches, is environmentally friendly.
Recommended glue type: Non-woven glue.
FiberWall Cover some key benefits include:
• Strength and Durability (it offers exceptional strength and durability, allowing it to
withstand challenging conditions and environments)
• Fire performance (significantly enhances its fire resistance, by incorporating coated
fiberglass mats into the product, we have created fire protection solutions that increase
safety and comply with strict building regulations)
• Moisture resistance (the coating on the FiberWall Cover acts as a moisture barrier
and prevents water absorption. This characteristic ensures that FiberWall Cover is
resistant to mold, rot and decay, making it ideal for environments prone to moisture or
exposure to moisture)
Renovation wallpaper
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